Thursday, June 10, 2010

Law and Order In Singapore

Special features of Singapore law: What you can and can't do

Many foreigners are concerned about the strict law here. It pays to understand the special features of the law, and what are definite no-no's over here.


To maintain the clean and green city, there are strict laws against littering of any kind. First-time offenders face a fine of up to S$1,000. For repeat offenders--it's a fine of up to S$2,000 and a Corrective Work Order (CWO). The CWO requires litterbugs to spend a few hours cleaning a public place, for example, picking up litter in a park. The litterbugs are made to wear bright jackets, and sometimes, the local media are invited to cover the public spectacle. Naturally, the authorities hope that public shame will make diehard litterbugs think twice about tossing their scrap paper or cigarette butt on the roadside!

Chewing gum

As an extension of the "no littering" mantra, the import, sale and possession of chewing gum is banned! You are also not allowed to bring in chewing gum for your own consumption. In short, no chewing gum whatsoever. This rule was introduced because of the high cost and difficulty in removing stucked chewing gum from public premises.


Smoking is not allowed in public buses, taxis, lifts, theatres, cinemas, government offices, and in air-conditioned restaurants and shopping centers. First-time offenders face a maximum fine of S$1,000.


A definite no-no. The death penalty is mandatory for those convicted of trafficking, manufacturing, importing or exporting more than 15g of heroin, 30g of morphine, 30g of cocaine, 500g of cannabis, 200g of cannabis resin and 1.2kg of opium. Possessing these quantities is deemed as evidence of trafficking. In other words, if you possess these quantities (and possession means you had control of them), you are deemed to be a trafficker and therefore subject to the death penalty! For unauthorized consumption, there is a maximum of 10 years' jail or fine of S$20,000, or both.. So, a definite no-no!

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There are even no litterbins in the bus and train stations as food and drinks are forbidden there! The fines apply here also… However, Singapore is recognized as one of the cleanest, if not the cleanest city, in the world. But it takes a lot of time, energy and law enforcements though! Singaporeans take their country’s cleanliness seriously and in this city-state of over 4 million people, litterbugs beware. Otherwise a fine of several thousand dollars, hours of litter collection and even state-sponsored counseling await you!

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