Sunday, August 8, 2010

Salsa, baby!

Last week I went to my first salsa course in Singapore! The instructor checked my level and assigned to Salsa 3. The group was quite big, more than 10 couples and several extra ladies… as usual. The class was 1’5 hours, so we could really benefit from the dancing! Bernard, the instructor, did some good footwork warm-up including some advances shines! The salsa routines’ terminology differs here to what I have been used to so I was improvising a lot and relying on my dancing intuition… I wasn’t the only one though, so I wasn’t too worried. Bernard went through the more sophisticated footwork and after about 30 mins he moved to partner work. The routine he taught was very nice, most of the dancers managed to follow it. Unfortunately there was no fiesta after the class; usually there is social dancing afterwards, but next week definitely!

People in class were very open and friendly! I must admit it was very nice as after 2 months here I have an impression that a lot of people here ‘become friendly’ after you get to know them first, so it was lovely to meet some new people who are more forward and chatty at the first contact. Maybe it’s just how the dancers are, socializing comes easier to people who dance as they usually go out regularly… The instructor was really easy-going and funny as well; he created a nice atmosphere in class. Reminded me of Fintan actually… Here I go again, I must be missing my Cork salsa people…

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